Category: Stuff I like
Castle Rat – Fresh Fur
Castle Rat is a Medieval Fantasy Doom Metal band led by the Rat Queen on a mission to expand and defend ‘The Realm’ from those who seek to destroy it. She is joined by The Count, The Plague Doctor, and The Druid. Together they face the relentless wrath of their arch nemesis: Death Herself — ‘The…
Game – Summer House
A beautiful, cozy, warm, casual idle game. Build a beautiful house in a nice environment. Made in Berlin. It just launched, you can get it for 4€.
Typefaces & Type Foundries
This is a list of type foundries, lettering artists, or specific typefaces that I like. It will grow in the future, but because I just can’t hold back my excitement about their work I start it now. The correct number of typefaces you need is whatever number it is that you already have +1. VJ…
Comic: Ken Niimura – Umami
I first saw Ken Niimura’s artwork via the comic “I Kill Giants“. It’s a nice comic both for the story and the art, and there’s a movie adaptation as well. A few days ago I randomly thought of Ken Niimura’s art, and I got curious about what he had been up to. An hour or…
I finished listening to the “The Murder of Crows”-Trilogy this morning and needed to at least quickly create something based on that story. It is a dystopian superhero coming-of-age tragedy that even though telling you upfront how it will end, kept me engaged throughout. It was rarely pleasant and I can’t say it left me…
The Grannies – Docu
Here’s a ~17-minute-long documentary of a group of players exploring Read Dead Redemption 2 – outside the intended levels/areas. RDR2 is a visually beautiful game and it’s interesting to see how that beauty transcends into the faulty/buggy-landscapes. Some really beautiful shots in there, as well as some funny ones.
This morning, I’ve been listening to “Instrumental House for the Soul with SANA” on the My Analog Journal YouTube channel. It motivated me to do a poster design. The first sketches included dancing people and a lot more stuff, but I felt like reducing the elements more and more until I was left with this…
Marvin Visions – Typeface
Last night I browsed the internet and stumbled upon this Sci-Fi magazine called Visions: I scrolled through the website, I can’t say I read the texts because I was immediately distracted/captivated by the Logo- and editorial typeface. Thankfully, there’s a link at the bottom of the page to an article that gives background info…
Font “Olezhka”
Beautiful slavic font for very little money. 16€ on Gumroad!
Hamburglar goes to Hell
A very short, fun, fantastic webcomic well worth checking out: