House of Protection, Doug Hammond

Two very different musical discoveries on one morning

First: House of Protection

Electric Gorillaboyz. Lots of energy, great workout song to get fired up on, distortion, metal riffs, great combination of sounds, super tight drums (though another song I listened to from them has more interesting drum sections).

Second: Doug Hammond

And now to the polar opposide. Smooth as silk jazz. I opened the bandcamp frontpage and, as I often do, I just click on a thumbnail of something that was recently bought. I hit play without knowing anything beforehand, other than that someone had just bought the album. Time flew past. I worked and found myself regularly pausing just for a moment to enjoy the music, and then continued. It’s fantastic. I immediately played through the whole album a second time and then bought the album for myself. I feel a small smile of contentment when listening to this album. It’s a small joy, a ray of sunshine. Love it.

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