Jazzanova – Live Streaming Session
House of Protection, Doug Hammond
Two very different musical discoveries on one morning
First: House of Protection
Electric Gorillaboyz. Lots of energy, great workout song to get fired up on, distortion, metal riffs, great combination of sounds, super tight drums (though another song I listened to from them has more interesting drum sections).
Second: Doug Hammond
And now to the polar opposide. Smooth as silk jazz. I opened the bandcamp frontpage and, as I often do, I just click on a thumbnail of something that was recently bought. I hit play without knowing anything beforehand, other than that someone had just bought the album. Time flew past. I worked and found myself regularly pausing just for a moment to enjoy the music, and then continued. It’s fantastic. I immediately played through the whole album a second time and then bought the album for myself. I feel a small smile of contentment when listening to this album. It’s a small joy, a ray of sunshine. Love it.
Geez, I’m a bit out of practice with something loose and cartoony.
The book series I’m currently reading in the evening is a bit dark, I felt like I had to find the time to doodle something lighthearted for balance. -
A friend mentioned that for his liking the last track didn’t have enough tonal variety. I tried to do better with this one. But now my wife says it’s too much.
Also check this youtube-channel if you like piano, patterns, syncopation and other stuff. Most of what I do is directly inspired (if not just lifted) from Chris’ channel.
Maybe it’s because my interest in music making started on a drumkit, but even when I’m playing around with a piano-sound I often end up experimenting with syncopation. Or patterns more in general.
I planned this track as a “beginner”-piano piece for myself to practice. The pattern starts relatively simple and evolves over time. -
Fiona Apple – I want you
Haunting performance, so intense.
I tried a new approach today. Usually I jump into the DAW immediately and fool around until I have something that I like. Today I instead started on a piece of paper. I restricted myself to something very simple and tried to work more like I’d work on any other non-musical project.
Only after the individual building blocks were there I went by gut and ear. -
Oddada is a beautiful, charming music builder/looper. Create loops in a fun way, record them in the end together and save them as tapes (and/or wav-files).
I experimented with audio again.
Except for the drums, all other sound-effects are triggered by instances of Mario Nieto’s “Harmony Bloom”. To add some more randomization and general sound-distortion, I fooled around a bunch with Cableguys “Shaperbox” on the majority of sound-tracks.Here’s 3 minutes of auto-play and generated audio. Such a fun way to just experiment and play around.