Now it’s a good song.
20240617 – Portfolio – Book cover
Since I started my career as a freelance illustrator, I’ve found that my ability to adapt to various art styles and to adjust to preexisting artwork was a significant advantage. It has allowed me to contribute to a variety of projects across multiple markets without being tied down to a single niche. However, after more than two decades of this approach and quite a bit of introspection, I want to change what I do and how I do it.
In the coming year, I will focus on developing a “consistent” style of my own.As is obvious from all the image posts here on the blog, I enjoy experimenting, exploring and trying new things – in the realm of handcrafted digital illustration. The thought of committing to one particular style is a bit intimidating for several reasons. It could become boring rather quickly, maybe it’s not original enough, maybe people won’t like it and maybe there’s no market for it. It’s a complete shift in how I approach getting work. It’s a bit daunting.
The most recent experiments and a retrospective ook through the years helped me find a starting point for the style that I’m eager to explore further. After all, I like graphic design, flat graphics, and abstraction, but I also enjoy realism, figurative illustration, and play between light and shadow. I appreciate the artificial look of digital art as much as I do organic textures. And I hate spending hours and hours rendering.
The two artworks that follow are the first results of some focused experimentation. They’re but the first steps in this new style.
I’ve also set a “sink or swim” deadline for myself. Within the next year, I must find work exclusively in this new style. If I don’t see any indication that this is a viable path longer term, then I’ll pursue a complete career change by summer next year.(Ausbildungsjahresbeginn 2025, Studienbeginn Sommersemester 2025)
Doing these focused experiments yielded one big surprise for me. I went in 100% expecting to decide on a ink-lineart-based style, but that’s not what resonated the most with me in the end.
I’ll create at least three more artworks in this style and then that’s going to be the starting point for a new portfolio.
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